
Children’s Charter highlights and challenges prejudice by policy, in other words, children who for whatever reason are being denied their rights. There are many instances where Government, local authorities and schools are failing children.

Our initial focus is on Special Educational Needs and Disability Children (SENDs) Articles 7 and 24 of the UN convention of the rights of persons with disabilities commits the UK government to promoting inclusive education of disabled children and young people and the progressive removal of barriers to learning and participation in mainstream education.

Find out more about how Government policy, eye watering funding cuts to local authorities and a lack of training for teachers and support staff means that SEND children are being neglected in mainstream schools and by academies and free schools.

Fighting for the rights of SEND children

The Children and Families Act 2014 clearly states that all children should have their needs met and that parents should be fully involved in decisions that affect their child. But parents trying to get their children into a special needs school or to challenging a school for failing to meet its obligations of SEND children is fraught with difficulties…

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Academies and free schools denying SEND

Government education policy is now focussed on how schools perform in league tables based on exam results. They are not judged on the individual progress of pupils or the support they give to SEND children…

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The scandal of neglect

In spite of the UN convention on the educational rights of special educational needs and disabled (SEND) children, there is growing evidence that these children are being side-lined, excluded or simply neglected by school teaching staff.

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You can help

Tell us of your experiences, both good and bad.

Children’s Charter has heard shocking accounts of how SEND children are being treated…

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